The helicopter, in spite of what may be said, remains a strange machine retaining for the « man in the street » (and sometimes even the initiated) a somewhat magic and mysterious aspect. In this pages, our wish is to tear off this veil of mystery. But, it is to be well understood that in a few pages it is not possible to explain everything. Therefore we have made a choice dictated by pratictal consideration. Let us hope it is the right one !!!
Commande avant 16h,
expédié le jour même (lu. - ve.)
Livraison express sous 48h.
Référence : | 937. |
Niveau : | future pilots and technicians |
Nombre de pages : | 80 |
Format : | 21x29,7 |
Reliure : | Broché |
Rôle | |
Raletz Roger | Auteur |
1. General
2. Basic notions on mechanics and aerodynamics
3. Blade and rotor
4. Control of rotor lift
5. Main rotor reactive torque and tail rotor
6. Aerodynamics of the rotor
7. Helicopter flight and power required
Livres de l'auteur Roger Raletz
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