Discovered accidentally by engineer Dr. Spencer working on magnetrons for radar systems in 1946, the effect of microwave heating leads to the invention of microwave ovens which is becoming nowadays the synonym of "microwave" for hundreds of millions of families.
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Discovered accidentally by engineer Dr. Spencer working on magnetrons for radar systems in 1946, the effect of microwave heating leads to the invention of microwave ovens which is becoming nowadays the synonym of "microwave" for hundreds of millions of families. Perfect illustration of the interaction between waves and materials, the microwave and RF heating became the most direct link between microwave and RF technology and our everyday life. Many applications at industrial or laboratories levels have been developed since the mid-70s, along with the democratization of microwave ovens in ordinary families around the world. However, the number of publications on microwave and RF power applications reminds still far behind those in other microwave applications, notably those in telecommunications areas. For many years, the Association of Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education (AMPERE) works to promote research and teaching of microwave power applications. Held every two years, the International Conference AMPERE is an opportunity for the community of microwave and RF power applications to meet together, exchange ideas of innovative research, promotes the latest investigations in the applications of micro microwave and RF power in various areas. FOREWORD Discovered accidentally by engineer Dr. Spencer working on magnetrons for radar systems in 1946, the effect of microwave heating leads to the invention of microwave ovens which is becoming nowadays the synonym of "microwave" for hundreds of millions of families. Perfect illustration of the interaction between waves and materials, the microwave and RF heating became the most direct link between microwave and RF technology and our everyday life. Many applications at industrial or laboratories levels have been developed since the mid-70s, along with the democratization of microwave ovens in ordinary families around the world. However, the number of publications on microwave and RF power reminds still far behind those in other microwave applications, notably those in telecommunications areas. For many years, the Association of Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education (AMPERE) works to promote research and teaching of microwave power applications. Held every two years, the International AMPERE Conference is an opportunity for the community of microwave and RF power applications to meet together, exchange ideas of innovative research, promotes the latest investigations in the applications of micro microwave and RF power in various areas. In this book we have collected 102 (103) papers from those presented in the 13th international conference on microwave and RF heating (AMPERE 2011) held in Toulouse during the period 5-8 September 2011. The application areas covered in this book are: Chemistry & biochemistry (16 papers) Combined electroheat applications for materials processing (6 papers) Dielectric property measurement and non-destructive testing (13 papers) Microwave and RF material interaction (17 papers) Industrial applications (11 papers) Medical applications an Safety (4 papers) Microwave and RF supply design (3 papers) Modelling (19/20 papers) Plasma processing (4 papers) Waste treatment & remediation (4 papers) RF and microwave assistance on Bio energy production (5 papers) On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to thank all the authors for submitting their work and the members of the Scientific Program Committee for reviewing the submitted abstracts. A great thank to all members of the organization committee for their total engagement and implication. Professor Junwu Tao ENSEEIHT-Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse University of Toulouse Toulouse, France Chair of Conference AMPERE 2011
Extrait 978 Microwave And Rf Power Applications
Référence : | 978 |
Niveau : | Spécialistes |
Nombre de pages : | 458 |
Format : | 17x24 |
Reliure : | Broché |
Rôle | |
Collectif | Auteur |
1. Chemistry and Biochemistry
Theory of Microwave Non-thermal Effect
Microwave Irradiated Thermal Cracking Reactor
The Effect of Microwave Heating on the Activation energy and the Reaction Rate of chemical Reaction of Condensed Phase Matters
Pyrolysis of Heavy Hydrocarbons under Microwave Heating of Catalysts and Adsorbents
Characterization of Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles Obtained by Microwave Pyrolysis Microwave Activation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions
Applicator Design for Microwave Enhanced Microprocessing
Threshold Effects of Microwave Irradiation on Aqueous NACL Solution
Microwaves Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Sub-micrometric BiFeO3 Particles
Effect of Microwave Irradiation on the Selective Derivatization of (Hydroxyalkyl)phenols
On the Design and Characterisation of a Microwave Applicator: from Theory to Realization Using EM and Thermal Software
Measurement of Evaporation Rates of Different Kind of Aqueous Solutions under Microwave Irradiation
Solvent Effect for Microwave-Assisted Claisen Rearrangement of Allyloxybenzenes Microwave-Mediated Preparation of Bio-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications
Continuous Flow Reactor for Metallic Nanoparticle Microwave Assisted Synthesis Aqueous Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Quinoline Dderivatives Strating from Glycerol as Biomass Starting Material
Microwave Assisted Continuous Flow Reactors
2. Combined Electroheat Applications for Materials Processing
Separation of Mutli-phase Materials using Rapid Microwave Heating
Hybrid Heating Process with Linear Polarized Microwaves employed to Nanoporous Glasses
A New Combined Technology for Stevia Extraction
Energy Efficient Air Heating Method Based on the Microwave Thermal Effect
Study of the Parasitic Inductance and Resistance in Continuous Wire Induction Heating Systems above Curie Temperature
Comparison on Solid State Decarburization of High-carbon Ferromanganese between Microwave Heating and Conventional Heating
3. Dielectric Property Measurement and Non-destructive Testing
Wireless Passive Autonomous Sensors with Electromagnetic Transduction
Effect of Alcaline Cations in Zeolites on their Dielectric Properties
Continous On-Line Monitoring of a Controlled Ring Opening Polymerisation Reaction via Dielectric Spectroscopy
A New Pointed-End Coaxial Sensor for Prediction Materials Permittivity Based on Artificial Nerve Network
Measurement and Modelling of Intrinsic Dielectric Properties of Ionic Crystals at Microwave Frequencies
Coaxial 2.45-GHz High Power Impedance Matching Device
Characterization of plasma media for Microwave Device Design
Portable System for Dielectric Characterization of Materials at Microwave Frequencies
Microwave Technology for Detecting Termites and Decay in Timber
Microwave Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Adhesives Curing
Wideband Characterization of Micro-Discharge Plasma Parameters
Reconfigurable Liquid Antenna for Wireless Temperature Sensing
Modelling of Micro Plasma Discharges, Controlling of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Printed Microwaves Circuits
4. Microwave and RF Material Interaction
Neck Formation between Amorphous Silica Particles at Microwave Heating
Simultaneous Temperature and Vectorial Electric Field Measurements with an Electro-optic Probe for Bioelectromagnetic Investigations
Analysis of Microwave Propagation Characteristics in Chemical Reaction
Dielectric Heating by Microwaves for Thermal Power Supply in Hetereogeneous Catalysis
Energy Transfer in Microwave Assisted Combustion Synthesis of Inorganic Compounds
RF Drying Of Very Low Permeability Sandstones
Influence of water on radio-frequency heating of zeolite NaY
A new type of Water Scission caused by Radio Waves
Theoretical Studies of Microwave Heating of Dielectric Liquid and Magnetic Crystal
Design of an Experimental Set-up for Microwave Non-thermal Effects
Microwave Sintering of Yttria-stabilized Zirconia with High Properties
Comparison of the Mechanical and Physical Properties of a Carbon Fibre Epoxy Composite Cured by Conventional Heating and Radiofrequency Heating
Hotspot Induced by Low-Power Microwave Drill
Microwave-assisted Synthesis of TiCN by Carbothermal Reduction
Reduction Enhancement of Copper oxide during Microwave Heating
Analysis of Microwave Heating on Chemical Reaction by Huang’s Method
Process for Remote Control of the Heating of Liquid or Viscous Product by Microwave
5. Industrial Applications
(Food, textile, ceramics, polymers, paper and board)
Microwave Sintering of Nanometric Ceramic Powders in a Single Mode Resonant Cavity Microwave Energy for Expanding Perlite Ore
Innovative Production of Nuclear Fuel by Microwave Internal Gelation: Theoretical Microwaves-microspheres Interaction
Perlite Expansion in a Fluidized Bed Using Microwave Energy
Pest Control of Wheat Flour Using Radiofrequency Dielectric Heating
Application of Radio Frequency Heating as a Post-drying Step in Potato Chip Manufacturing
Radio-frequency (RF) Heating Applications in Environmental Technology
Nickel and Vanadium Removal from Crude Oil under Microwave Irradiation
New Microwave Applicator for Timber Surface Modification (Modelling, Design and Tests) Investigation into the Depolymerisation of Poly(lactic Acid) Using Microwave Heating
30 GHz Microwave Crystallization of Lithium Disilicate Based Glass
6. Medical Applications and Safety
The Effects of High Level Microwave Exposure
Hybrid Microwave Sintering of Titanium Biomedical Implants
High Frequency RF Resonant Power Inverter for Induction Heating in an Adiabatic Specific Absortion Rate Measurement Setup
Electromagnetic Radiation and the Human Body, an Update
7. Microwave and RF Supply Design
Fast Switching Device of High Power Millimeter Wave in ECCD System
Compact Directional Coupler for Power Microwave Use
Magnetron Power Supply Configurations: A Review of the State of the Art
8. Modelling
The tensorial analysis of networks applied to multiphysic problems of real systems Computational Study of Thermal Runaway in Microwave Processing of Zirconia
Microwave Heating Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials at the Grain Level
Modelling of a Combined Microwave-infrared Baking Process of Bread
Applicability Study of Classical and Contemporary Models for Effective Complex Permittivity of Metal Powders
Evaluation of Dielectric Mode-Stirrers for Electric Field Uniformity within Multimode Microwave Ovens
Cross coupling Reduction in Multifed Multimode Microwave-Heating Cavities by Means of Inner Doubly Corrugated Filters
Tubular Microwave Heating of Meat at 915 and 433 MHz
Numerical Analysis of Microwave Multimode Oven With Two Lateral Apertures
Simulation of Microwave Heating of Static Objects with Low Dielectric Losses
Abrasion of Thin Long Canals by Means of Viscoelastic Mediums under the Action of High-frequency Impulses
FVTD Modeling of a Localized Microwave Plasma Discharge in Microstrip Wave Guide Microwave Heating in a Domestic Oven Equipped with a Turtable
Mutual Influence between Cavity and Filter on the Design of Industrial Microwave Ovens High Precision Method to Solve the Maxwell Equation in the Time Domain Adapted to Structured Meshes.
Modelization of a Resonant Cavity Plasma Electron Source
Analysis of QR-Compression Techniques For Improving Electromagnetic Scattering Computation By Periodic Rough Surfaces
SIW Characterization using WCIP
SIW Angular variation in WCIP formulation: A New Model for SIW Circuits
A Iterative Routine for Modeling Electromagnetic, Thermal, and Mechanical Phenomena in Microwave Sintering
9. Plasma Processing
Continuous Microwave Plasma Processing of Cold Drawn Steel Wire Rod
Silicon Micro-Spheres in Microwave-Excited Ball-Lightning-Like Plasmoids
RF Radiation–Ar Plasma Interaction
Application of Corona Discharges in Water: Effects on Bacteria
10. Waste Treatment and Remediation
Competitive Adsorption under Microwave for CO2 Capture or VOC Treatment
Food Waste Treatment on Ships by Microwave Drying
Regeneration of Activated Carbon using Microwave Heating
Microwave Pyrolysis of Pine in a Custom Built Applicator
11. RF and Microwave Assistance on Bio Energy Production
Influence of Absorbed Energy of Microwave Treatment on Biogas Production from Wastewater Sludge
Processing Improvement of Ethanol from Sugarcane by using Microwave Energy
Low Temperature Microwave Irradiation as an Activator of Biomass Pyrolysis
Drying of Biogas or other Gas Streams with Adsorber Regeneration by Radio-frequency Heating
Microwave Enhanced Lipid Extraction of Microalgae
Microwave induced desulfurization of petroleum oils
Combined Microwave and Rotating-pulsed Fluidized Bed (RPFB) Drying of Poly-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB)
Clear Etalon Windows for Domestic Microwave Ovens: Analysis and Measurement Complex Impedance Measurement System around 2.45 GHz in a Waveguide Portable System
Behaviours of Electronic Assemblies due to Microwave Supported Curing Process of Conformal Coatings and Casting Compounds
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