Two volumes;
volume I : lecture papers;
volume II : poster papers
Proceedings of the 21 st symposium of the international committee on aeronautical fatigue 27-29 june 2001 Toulouse France The 21st Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue (ICAF) was held in the Congress Centre Pierre Baudis in Toulouse, from June 27th to June 29th, 2001.
The Symposium was attended by 283 delegates from 23 countries. The general theme of the symposium was Design for Durability in the Digital Age', with sessions devoted to specific aspects as Design, analysis and test integration ; Fatigue and new technologies ; Corrosion, statistics and modelling ; Probabilistic approaches ; Widespread fatigue damage; Fatigue life prediction and enhancement. The symposium was opened with the presentation of the 18th Plantema Memorial Lecture, named in honor of the founder of ICAF. It was given by Pr. Dr. Anders F. Blom from the Swedish Research Defence Agency (FOI) and the title was : Fatigue Science and Engineering Achievements and Challenges'. His lecture provided a historical overview of developments in aeronautical fatigue, including the academic fatigue research with interests for the aeronautical sector and, finally, a personal view of what remains to be done. Educational and societal issues that need consideration in order to maintain the high safety of flying now taken for granted, were addressed at the end. After this lecture, Anders Blom was presented with the Plantema Medal by the ICAF General Secretary, David Simpson. The Symposium keynote address which followed the Plantema lecturer was given by Dr. J. Klenner, Head of the Centre of Competence Structures' at Airbus. His lecture started with a presentation of the new Integrated Engineering organisation of Airbus and then, how new materials/ technologies and computational techniques can challenge fatigue was developed. Thirty two oral presentations and forty posters, covering the broad range of topics indicated above, were presented at this Symposium. Contributions came from authors covering the broad spectrum of aeronautical fatigue in both military and aircraft industries, aeronautical research establishments, test centres, universities and airworthiness authorities. The proceedings of the 21st Symposium are published in two volumes ; Volume I contains the oral presentation papers and volume II the poster papers.