Marcello La Rosa

Marcello La Rosa is a professor of Information Systems at The University of Melbourne and Co-Founder and CEO of Apromore, a spin-off company dedicated to developing process mining software. In the past, he held an appointment at QUT, Australia, where he led the BPM Discipline between 2016 and 2017. His research interests focus on process mining, analysis and consolidation. His research appeared in major journals such as IEEE TSE, IEEE TKDE, ACM TOSEM, ACM CSUR and DSS, and major conferences such as ICDM, BPM, CAiSE and ER. His research attracted funds in excess of AUD 25M, most of which acquired through competitive schemes, and led to nine best paper awards at major venues. Marcello has taught BPM to students and practitioners in Australia and overseas for over ten years, and delivered different consultancy services to industry. His MOOCs, co-developed with the other authors of this book, have been attended by over 25,000 participants worldwide.
