Jan Mendling

Jan Mendling is the Einstein-Professor of Process Science with the Department of Computer Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, and Co-Founder of Noreja, a spin-off company developing process mining software. Prior to that, he held positions at Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, and at QUT Brisbane, Australia. Currently, he is also a visiting professor at the University of Ljubljana and the University of Liechtenstein. His main research interests are in business process management and process mining. His research appeared in major journals such as MISQ, IEEE TSE, IEEE TKDE, ACM TOSEM, EJIS, JAIS, DSS, BISE, IS and IEEE Software, and major conferences such as BPM, CAiSE, ECIS and ICIS. He received best paper awards for his work at BPM in 2015 and ICSOC 2010, the best dissertation award from the Austrian Computer Society (Heinz Zemanek Award) and the TARGION Science Award. He is also co-editor of Business Process Management Cases (Springer 2018), co-author of Wirtschaftsinformatik (de Gruyter 2015), and author of Metrics for Process Models. Jan has taught BPM to students and practitioners at different institutions in Europe and Australia. He is co-founder of the Berliner BPM-Offensive, a practitioners’ forum for BPM, and a board member of the Austrian Process Management Society (Gesellschaft für Prozessmanagement).
